How tos
How Taxi works
- Is Taxi right for me?
- How long does it take for my payment to show in my Taxi account?
- How much does Taxi cost?
- Do I have to provide a guarantee or financial information?
- How does Taxi work?
- Why did you call it Taxi?
Rates and pricing
Paying tax and accessing funds
- Do I pay my tax to IRD or does Taxi?
- What is the maximum term for repayment? Can I repay early?
- Do I have to do an AML check?
- Is there any minimum amount I need to have in my Taxi account before I can access funds?
- Can I also pay my terminal tax through Taxi?
- What actually happens to my money when I pay my tax through Taxi?
FAQs for advisors
- Do you have a partner programme?
- My clients can finance their tax if they need to so why should they use Taxi?
- How does Taxi keep my client informed?
- How can I be confident my clients will be able to use Taxi responsibly?
- How is Taxi different to a tax pool?
- Will I be able to track my client's use of their Taxi account?