The following steps outline the process for completing your Taxi account set up, please follow these and if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to us here.
When you first login to your Taxi account the following will show up.
1. First, you need to confirm you are intending to use your Taxi facility for business or investment purposes.
2. Next, you need to accept our terms and conditions. These can also be found on our website here.
3. After accepting our terms and conditions, please input all details for the taxpayer (individual, Partnership, Trust or Company) who the account is for. This is for the taxpayer who has the provisional tax obligation.
4. Lastly, you will need to link the myIR account that has access to the taxpayer the Taxi account is for.
The myIR connection is done through our IRD authorised third party, TaxLab.
Login to the myIR account for the taxpayer, just as you would when logging in to the IRD website.
If you are setting up an account for your Company, you will need to login with the Company's myIR account, not your personal myIR account. This is unless your personal myIR account has third party access to the Company i.e., you can see the Company's tax types when in your personal myIR account.
If you are unsure if you have used the correct myIR account, please contact us at and we can check for you.
5. You're all done! Your dashboard will look like this until your myIR connection is established.